Faculty & Staff

Welcome faculty, postdocs, residents, fellows and staff! You are an integral part of our community.

faculty member Laura Wagner with 2 students

Be a Mentor

We have heard time and time again from successful first gens at UCSF that one of the most significant factors in navigating through their degree programs was having good mentorship. This is particularly salient in graduate/professional school.

We are looking for UCSF faculty and staff who understand the value of mentorship in academic and professional development and are interested in mentoring our First Generation college students. The "First Gen Mentorship Program" was designed to connect faculty and staff to UCSF First Gen students. Please join us by simply completing our First Gen Mentorship Program form today.

photo of FG2C pin

Be an Inspiration

Be recognized for your unique accomplishment as an academic pioneer and let our first generation college students know that they are not alone here at UCSF. To create greater awareness of first gens on campus, First Generation Support Services offers a "Proud to be FG2C" lapel pin to those who identify as first gen. Contact our office to receive a pin.